I feel a little guilty because this Summer I've neglected some of the blogs that I read...and I'm going to try to be better about that. These 2 images are of Grace and her friend Lydia. Lydia's mom asked me to take some of the 2 girls together. They both had so much fun playing and dancing around in the pettiskirts.

What's new around here in my life...is the camera and lens that my extremely generous and thoughtful husband gave me for my bday last week. To say I was surprised was an understatement. I'm ELATED!!!! It's a Nikon d700 and boy do I have a lot to learn about him.(I call it a 'he' for some reason.) He's up and running as of last night and I've taken a few test shots...all I can say is wow! This photography hobby seems to be taking off into a little business now as of last weekend with me having a photo shoot with 2 sisters. I've got a few other people scheduled for photos too. It's very different photographing children that aren't your own... I have lots to learn but am game for it!
11 kind words:
LOVE the photos..
Looks like the girls truly enjoy each other..
Glad you like your new camera..
Have a great week.
love the little skirts...
WOW! All I can say is WOW! I sound like the mouse, Chrysanthemum :)
I ADORE your pics of Grace and her bff! OH.MY.WORD!!! Did you take those pics with your new D700??? I am so happy for you and your new camera. He is the Mack Daddy :)
Those girls look like they are having SO much fun! Congrats on the camera - I'm drooling!!!!!
I wonder if you are calling it a he because you are having a love affair with it... er... him. :) Gorgeous photos.
Oh wow -- those girls are so pretty! You really captured some lovely images! Nice new camera -- your Hub is great, isn't he! :)
Love the photos. Great camera!
what a very generous man!
Such pretty photos of two pretty little ladies! What a wonderful birthday prize! Cannot wait to see what wonders you and Mr. D700 create!
Crack me up....I knew you'd have it before Chicago! ;) You go girl! ;)
These photos are fantastic. They really show how much the girls are enjoying being girls together!
I am so excited that Dan the Man went all out and got his Baby exactly what she wanted for this special birthday.
I can't wait to see you rock this one, Gail!
Congrats on your new camera!! I can't wait to see all that you will do with it!! Love all the birthday and Will's 1-year home pics!!
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