Tuesday, August 16, 2011

black and white Wednesday - late Summer

Sunset 1
Sunset 2
Sunset 3
Sunset 4 Sunset final

Grace and Will on the beach as the sun is setting, on the last evening of our vacation. 
I have more pics of our time away but will put them up on facebook sometime this week.
Our Summer has flown by, it's hard to believe that September is only
2 weeks away!

the long road

16 kind words:

Jboo said...

So beautiful! Love these in color and B&W!


Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Gorgeous photos of God's most beautiful creations~ the ocean and children. :) XOXO

Ashley Sisk said...

Another gorgeous set - loving that first one.

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

so the third one down is my favourite! so cute of William with his hands on his hips. I love it. You captured the late summer evening beautifully.


Buckeroomama said...

Beautiful, Gail! Those last two shots of the two of them together are sooo sweet.

Cindy said...

love the way the sun shines in the background.
Beautiful photography.

Kayce said...

Beautiful captures...that last one is classic! :) I love late summer the best....we've grown used to sleeping in and lazy days...we've found a groove that feels comfy and safe. For me it's the late summer that I cherish all year long because I know it will come again and it makes the winter a little bit easier.

Mom2Isabel said...

Beautiful captures of both the sun and the love between Grace and Will.

Casey said...

So glad you all are having fun!! I agree... this summer has FLOWN by... I can't believe it is late summer already. Sigh.

Your photos are just lovely too!!

Wanda said...

Ohh....these are such classics. So whimsical and fun and dramatic all at once. Love the lens flair too.

I know - 2 more weeks - where did it go? Soon the snow will......oh, I can't even say it! Let's just enjoy it will it's still here.


Pix-Ology said...

Loving these beach pictures! I totally relate to your sentiment about summer flying by. I feel like the older my kids get the faster they go. Great images!

Gina Kleinworth said...

WOW WOW WOW- so very beautiful!

Blaine O said...

What a gorgeous collection :) I love it! :D

Sharon said...

These are just gorgeous!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Gorgeous shots Gail..... the lighting is just beautiful....it really sets the mood.



Football and Fried Rice said...

Man...you are making me feel like I need to go down to our beach today! Now that we actually have one (the waters have receded!) such beautiful pictures of your adorable kids!

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