We are home! We were up really early, got Grace over to a friend's house who was taking her to school, woke up Will, changed his pull up and put him in his car seat. We are fortunate that the Children's Hospital here is only 25 minutes away. The hardest part was probably William not being able to drink anything this morning. Will turned on the charm for the nurses and pretty much figured something was 'up' when the anesthetist walked in the room in scrubs and a head cover. Anyway, his tubes are in...he's eating, drinking and a happy little guy back in his own home. Thank you for your heartfelt thoughts and prayers, they have been so appreciated and felt. I worked
here for quite a few years as a Registered Nurse in their NICU and Peds units, and I can't say enough about children's hospitals in general. They do it so well as far as caring for children and supporting families. Above pic was taken last week, right now he's wearing his Superman cape. Lots of hugs, kisses and snuggling for Will this afternoon!
17 kind words:
Yay! I'm so glad to hear that everything went well and that Will is back home. Great news!
Thanks for letting us know.
Give that boy a treat. It should probably involve chocolate. :)
Glad to hear you're back home & everything went fine. They rebound so quickly, he'll be up & at it in no time flat!
So glad to hear that it went so well for Will . . . and you too! Amazing how fast kids bounce back, isn't it! Take care.
I'm so glad he's doing well!
Glad to hear that all is well. I was thinking of you!
God is so great!...continuing to keep you all in prayer. This cold wintry weather is perfect for snuggle/pj time- stay warm.
PS LOVE this pic of Will
Glad to hear that everything went well and you are back at home..
Have a great evening..
So glad to hear that all went well and he is back home and happy as can be....they are so resilient aren't they!!
Have a great night:)
Great to hear all went well. I have been thinking and praying for the little guy!
Hope all continues to go well!
Hugs, Jill
I hope he feels better soon.
Gail, I am so happy Will is home and doing well! You all were in my thoughts and prayers.
Stay warm and cozy....
:) Ashley
welcome home!!!!
hugs fromacross the seas
So glad things went well. Hugs for Will. He will be running around and back to normal soon. And hopefully without those painful ear infections.
Hugs The Wongs
Great news!!! Glad all went well. have a good weekend.
Glad to see that all went well and you are home now!
Love the pictures of him he is so adorable...
So glad to hear he's through the surgery and doing so well!
Awesome news!! Glad to hear Will's bounced back so quickly - must be the cape??
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