This Wed. Jan. 14th William is going to have ear tubes placed in both ears at the Children's Hospital here in Madison. I haven't spoken about it on my blog, but Will has had 6 ear infections in 6 months. Will has been pretty miserable when he gets them with high fevers and discomfort. His ENT doctor felt that it was best to put tubes in his ears and it's pretty much standard practice with cleft affected kids. So that's what will happen here. I know it's not a big deal and it's a common procedure that's done but Will has had 2 big surgeries in China and I don't know how he'll react to this. The best part is that they are letting me carry him into the OR and stay with him until he's asleep. I know he will be okay, but it's part of being a momma to worry a bit and hope he's not too afraid. I ask for your prayers as he'll be under general anesthesia for a little while and it's hard for kids this age to transition to the awake state afterwards. We appreciate all good thoughts and prayers for our little guy...and hoping these ear infections are behind us now.
22 kind words:
Two of my boys had tubes. It made ALL the difference. The right out of surgery i recovery was the hardest. Especially for Michael. The meds made him grumpy I will surely pray for your guy Will, and for you!
Will be praying for Will today
You got it my friend. Prayers and you all will be top of mind on Wednesday!
love and hugs to you all.
I am sure the tubes will make a dramatic difference for little Will!! Those nasty ear infections are dreadful!! Good luck on Wednesday.....we will keep him in our prayers!!
Just a little note....Nick's baby brother had them put in on Monday morning....he is only 6 months old and has also had 6 ear infections.....Nick was a nervous wreck....he kept hearing the word surgery and it freaked him out. I dropped the poor little guy at school yesterday and he was sobbing....I felt so bad!! I talked to his teacher yesterday and she said that Nick was still crying in the morning....so the class said a prayer for his brother and he felt much better!! If I let Nick know about Will's surgery....I am sure we could get another class prayer for Will:)
I talked to Nick's Dad....the baby was in and out in 15 minutes....a little groggy and cranky when he woke up....but other than that....he was A Okay!!
Sorry to ramble on, I just thought it was a cute story....Nick is such a sensitive little boy:)
Please give us an update on Will.....I know he will do just fine!!
We will be praying for Will too. My daughter Ella has had 2 tube surgeries as well as other stuff. Its hard waiting but its nice to be able to walk them in. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your son.
Both Zachary and Eli have had ear tubes and it made all of the difference in the world. We went from constant infections to NO infections. You will be glad that you did it.
I was fearful with both surgeries though, so I understand completely that you are nervous and I will pray for your beautiful son.
Nick had tubes in his ears also and it made a big difference...
It is sooo hard to see your babies go into a surgery..
My thoughts and prayers are with you..
Will be praying, for Will and you, Gail. (It's tougher on Mama, sometimes)
What a cutie he is!! And the pictures of Grace below are just gorgeous. Not having met her, she appears in these pictures just as you described her.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your handsome little guy.
Will definitely keep Will and your family in my prayers. Maddy also had tubes put in after many ear infections and they did help her out. Lots of snuggle time will be in order too, won't it! Take care.
My Anderson had tubes at 5 months old and then had to have them removed at 2 1/2. Both surgeries were very quick and he did great!
I know Mr. Will will be fine and do great but I will certainly keep him in my prayers....and his momma too!
Gail- we will be thinking and praying for Will and your family this week. Thinking of you both on Wednesday.
Yes- standard procedure- but you are mama! And we do sooo worry.
You have my prayers for sure... and he has them as well :O) So glad you'll be holding him 'til he's sleeping. Look forward to hearing he's awake and doing beautifully!
Praying for y'all. Wednesday. Got it.
I would be happy to pray for Will and for you too.
It's great to read all of the good reports here of how others' children have been helped.
I'm glad Will is having his procedure too.
Thoughts and prayers
Little William will be in my prayers, for sure!! I'll say a few for his awesome mommy, too!
Poor little guy, what he has gone through. Now it will be so much better. I know sugery is hard on Moms! i will be praying for you both!!
My oldest son had ear tubes inserted three times so I really know what you have been going through with the constant fluid build up and ear infections. I will say a ptayer for an easy time for will and a very successful outcome.
Huge hugs SFAM
We'll be praying for Will. Keep us posted!
Oh, poor little guy. You will all be in my prayers that day.
Hopefully everything will go smoothly and he will feel much better afterwards.
My thoughts and prayers are with Will.
Praying for a quick surgery and smooth "wakeup" transition.
I hpoe and pray all goes well today ( or went well..)!! And Will is on his way to recovering soon.
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