Wednesday, May 14, 2008


What has happened as a result of the massive Sichuan earthquake in China is heartbreaking and tragic. Please keep the people affected by it, the families waiting for news of their loved ones, and the rescue and medical personnel in your prayers.
You can donate to help through some adoption agencies, also through Love without Boundaries,
and the Half the Sky Foundation,

3 kind words:

Paula said...

Boy, it couldn't have come at at worse time for China. It is heartbraking. last night on the news I saw chilren trapped in the rubble of their school

OH MY #6 said...


I feel so insignificant as to how I can help when something like this happens in the world and now more devastation in China.


Ashley said...

I have no words to express how horrific this disaster is. The news reports are getting worse by the day. It is hard to comprehend so much loss. All of China is in my prayers. I feel a connection that I can't even explain.

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