Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday

Sweet Shot Day

My favorite shot of the week is my 4 year old son having fun with some balloons. I loved how he was laughing in this one and the way they were blowing in the wind.
Hop on over to Sweet Shot Tuesday to see many more pictures. :)

15 kind words:

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

this shot is amazing. Will looks like he is growing a lot.


Colleen said...

Wow! Your photos are so stunning Gail! I love the colors. Will does look so grown up in this photo.

Kate said...

Pure bliss and wonderment. Awesome!!

Kim said...

Love it..

Anna K. said...

I like how your cutie little boy and the ballons with all their colors stand in contrast to the stone wall behind them.

What a fun and beautiful shot!

Wanda said...

Very cool shot Gail. I can see you all smiling, years from now when you see this picture.

Michelle R Photography said...

Such a cute shot, Gail!! A boy & his balloons - adorable!!

redmaryjanes said...

Wonderful! I just love it.

Karen said...

Love this photo of your happy Will! The mix of texture-the rock -grass- and the colors-
you have such an eye!

Kayce said...

Fun pic! Balloons are such a simple pleasure. Many hugs to you!!

Tiffany said...

ADORABLE!! What a great shot.

Unknown said...

I just love this picture Gail. Sweet as can be!

Donna said...

Is there anything more fun than kids with balloons? Seriously!

LOVE the pic!

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

Unknown said...

great pop of color on this photo! How fun too!

ellieshine said...

this is an amazing shot. (I was already thinkin' that before I read your other comments!).

It looks like it could be used in an advertisement or something . . .

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