Okay Mom...you be the Goalie and I'm going to play Center...
Um...what is this thing?

Croquet anyone?

Hey, what IS Jie Jie doing over there in the front yard?!

Oh I see...making another one of her snow angels.

...and eating snow again?

What? She's making snow cones?

Let's go inside now and have some hot chocolate. Yum!
14 kind words:
Your pics are so aweome and I bet that hot chocolate was yummy!
LOVE the pictures..
Looks like the kids are having sooo much fun in the snow..
oh my goodness, that one of Will with his hand on his hip is hilarious!
And, my hat is off to Grace making snow castle instead of sand castles. Wishful thinking? Positive thinking?
Gail, these photos are stunning.
wish i lived next door so I could come over for hot chocolate! Really I do!
Great photos and captions!! Grace and Will are simply amazing, aren't they! You're amazing too -- to enjoy that snow! Have a great day.
Oh, I loved this post. Those eyes of Will's are so strong and curious!
The snow, the snow......you poor baby!
Sending you some pixie dust for Spring to hurry up over there!
I LOVE these photos. They are so bright and cheery.
Those are the best kind play dates...and we drink lots of HC here too.... ;)
These pictures are awesome Gail!! I love them all!
Will looks so cute and boy is he full of expressions....they are all priceless!!
I can't believe you still have all that snow....Grace seems to love it though:)
Hope you all enjoyed that hot chocolate!
Cute photos. Love the one in the hockey helmet.
Whew, lots of snow coming tomorrow. I'll try not to let too much of it come your way. :)
LOL what cutie pies!!!!! My Livi eats snow too LOL I always remind her about the yellow snow : 0
A play day indeed! Love the pictures!
Precious pics Gail. Love Will's spirit...snow be danged- it's time for some outdoor fun! click your heels and repeat...only 3 more weeks until the official start of Spring!
Nothing like the color of warmly clad children in winter white snow! BEAUTIFUL, Gail!
I LOVE Grace's coat!! And I love Will's expressions!
The sun looks like it was shinning too!
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