William at age 3 mos. before his lip repair. He had just come to live in his foster home.

William with his new lip! Doesn't he look great....a chubby and happy baby boy!

Children with medical special needs are near and dear to my heart and especially those affected with a cleft lip and palate. William was
not in the Starfish Foster Home, but another one that was similar. People like Amanda of the
Starfish Foster Home in China and Deena and Mike of Will's
foster home are on the front lines making a difference. We donate to Will's foster home and also will be supporting a cleft affected child from Amanda's. I chose to put Will's before and after surgery pics here to show what a difference these places make in a life for a child. Please read my friend
Kimberley at the Seventh Diamond post from her blog. If you'd like to help
please contact her.
Amanda was contacted a couple of days ago by the Director of the orphanage in her area. There has been a large group of infants left, many with cleft palate issues and the orphanage has no room to take them in. There are 12 who are due to be released from the local hospital in the next couple of days with nowhere to go. Amanda has been planning to open a Cleft Palate Home in the distant future when funds were in place, but because of these 12 little ones, she is converting the volunteer quarters into a the Cleft Palate Home and will take in these 12 babies. She only has funds to support them for 3 months, so this is where we come in. We need approximately 72 families to come forward who are willing to sponsor a child for $25.00 a month. It costs approx. $150.00 a month for Amanda to feed and care for each child, so it it will take 6 families to step forward for each child. Or if a family is willing to contribute more, that would lessen the number of families needed. This would be a year commitment. Amanda will send out updates to the families and photos of the sponsored babies.The amount is totally tax deductible and the donations will go through the STARFISH CHILDREN'S SERVICES and the tax number is 20-4682816If you are part of a woman's prayer group, or work with a youth group, perhaps you would consider having your group sponsor one child for a year.
If you are willing to come forward as a sponsor family or group, please leave a comment below or e-mail me at
timnkim@gmail.com. A new blog is being created for the home and we will have all of the details to you soon. But we need sponsors quickly, because these children are being released to Amanda in a couple of days if we can get everything together. If you have ever sat in your living room and wondered how you could make an impact, this is it. Amanda is moving forward not knowing where the money will come from. These 12 children need a place to heal and grow. I need help finding approx. 72 families who are willing to contribute $25.00 monthly to support these children. I don't know that many people, so if you all could help spread the word about this project, it would be wonderful. So far 7 families have come forward to sponsor children...thank you! 3 out of the 12 children are completely sponsored.