First...must adjust the 'superpower' boots. (that's what he calls them)

Must blow bubbles...

Take a little swing break...

Take a call from Spiderman...

Find a flag and wave it furiously, drop it and run to find something new...

a toy chicken. What's next? Only William knows what that is.... oh to be 2 again!
7 kind words:
Oh to be 2 again is right!! He is such an active and busy boy...no wonder you are losing weight :)
Such a doll. So full of energy. I always wondered how Bry did it...from sun up to sun down. Rarely ever napping.
I love the "chicken" pic (and the rest too). I've had a "gonna choke that chicken" mindset today...and well the picture made me laugh hysterically because it was what I was thinking prior to clicking on ur blog this morning/
U coming to Kitt on Sat? I'll be there the next 2 Saturdays.
I love it all - your new look and name addition is great as well!
I love the new blog design. Its perfect! Yes, Will is an active busy boy. I bet he keeps you active too :)
Sounds like our 15 month old! Oh they keep you so busy but are so worth it! Will is amazing and has done so well.
I love this little guy's energy and zest for fun. Gail, he is such a doll! He looks like so much fun.
How is Grace adjusting to having a little brother? I bet she is so sweet to him.
what a cute post! thank you, for making my day.
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