The closest descriptive word I can think to use is...glorious. The flowering trees were at their peak and I was able to take many pictures of them and of Grace and William doing what they do best...run, play and have fun. Miss Grace was in her element picking flowers. We are a little behind Indiana with our Spring, but know it's arriving soon. :)
25 kind words:
The photos are beautiful.
They truly capture a moment in time. I love Grace's haircut...it fits her so well.
I live in Southern Indiana and we ARE having FANTASTIC weather!!! Your children are just beautiful and your ability to capture that beauty on film is remarkable.
Thanks you so much for sharing them with us!!
Awesome photos!
Gail these pictures are just stunning!!!!!!!! They are gorgeous and the colors are so vibrant!!!! I absolutely LOVE spring and look forward to it's arrival every year...I am so not a winter person. I hope that you are framing some of these??? You really should.
I know your weekend was rough sweet girl...{{{{hug}}}}
Absolutely lovely, Gail... just lovely!!
So, so very pretty-what you see and capture with your lens is always so special!
Growing up in Indiana the beautiful hills of Southern Indiana will always have a special place in my heart- thanks for sharing!
So beautiful! Hope that spring is finding its way to you soon!
BEAUTIFUL photos..
I tell you all the time..
Have a great day..
This is a LOVELY post, Gail. Beautiful pictures of your children and pretty flowers.
Can't wait to have some blooming trees here.
My husband is in DC this week, amongst the cherry blossoms. I'm a tad jealous. :)
Spring is my favorite time of year. A time for renewal and reflection.
Love that picture of Grace sitting on the bench...timeless.
Glorious indeed! I love spring, even though it's making us sneeze!
Gail, you take the sweetest photos!! Wish I lived in Wisconsin, I'd hire you in a second!
These are stunning Gail!!!
Gail I love the title of your blog. You are so creative!!!
Love and blessings, Kristy
Such pretty colors, perfect for spring!
You've out done yourself with these photos. They are so beautiful. I feel like I am right there along side of you while you're taking them. I adore the one of Grace handing the flower over to Will. Those are definitely worthy of displaying on your wall (I bet your walls are completely covered since all of your photos are so beautiful!).
Beautiful pictures. I have been waiting patiently for our Red Bud and Crab Apple to bloom so I can get some pictures too. I love the ones of your kids, you are a superb photographer!
Your photos are really amazing! So beautiful to see your lovely children playing in the sun, picking flowers, etc. I've never let un comment before but I really enjoy admiring your beautiful photos et your beautiful children!
I'm the mother of 2 little fairies from China also, one arrived en 2003 and the second in May 2008.
Thanks for your talent!
Missed your black & white Wed post this week girl! But I LOVE this set of photos. It screams spring! Just beautiful. Love your processing!!! :) Thanks for your always kind comments on my blog...makes me smile.
beautiful Gail!
STUNNING photos of the blossoms! Love them... I could hang those in Em's room.
Stunning images capturing the glory of Spring and the joy of youth all at once.
Love all of these.
Beautiful photos of a perfect spring day!! You captured the very essence of the season....I love the shot of Grace giving Will the flower....so precious:)
Your photography is simply inspiring. WOW!
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