Some of our June.
We've been out of school almost exactly two weeks and I think we've
discovered our 'new normal.'
Though normal every day is a bit different.
Grace started Summer school this week and is enjoying it very much,
she's taking an arts and crafts class and a reading/writing class.
Will gets to be a man of leisure with me in the mornings for now.
We've been swimming in the afternoon and they start VBS next week in the evenings.
1. They are now officially 5th and 2nd graders and I cannot believe
how much they've grown and how fast this school year has flown by.
2. Selfie 3. Yummy strawberries, we are loving all the seasonal fruit right now.
4. Grace and Will were baptized on Father's Day. They each thought of and wrote
a statement of faith, and spoke in front of our congregation. Grace read the 23th Psalm
and told everyone it is her favorite because she knows 'God is always with her' when she reads it.
Will summarized Christianity in 9 sentences and elaborated on several.
The congregation enjoyed it very much and we were struck by how moved
everyone was.
Dan and I are extremely proud!
5. Clark Kent made an appearance in our backyard.
6. Red poppies (taken with my dslr).